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السبت، 6 أكتوبر 2012

The highest mountain peak in the Arabian Peninsula

 Mount Prophet Shuaib

      the most famous mountain in yemen Mount Prophet Shuaib, which is located in the Directorate of Bani Matar, which has a height (3666 m) above sea level, Mount Brown Ahmad Alehimp Interior (2400 m) above sea level, Mount This Site (2400) above sea level, Mount Aer (2240) from the surface of the sea, in Alehimp of Foreign Affairs, Mount Budge (2080 m), mountain climate.


هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. looks like these peaks are touching clouds i know many peaks like that present in Pakistan you just have to get flights for pakistan and you can see your self that peaks are touching clouds.
